教师的研究 Grants (FRG)

The 教师的研究 Grant Handbook is now available: 下载手册.


  1. The Purpose and Scope of the FRG
  2. 新教员
  3. 申请过程
  4. 申请表格
  5. 样本提取
  6. 知识产权
  7. 管理资金 & 利用资金

The Purpose and Scope of the 教师的研究 Grant (FRG)

bet365中文大学, through the 办公室 研究 and Creative Scholarship, 每年竞争性地向合格的大学教师颁发教师研究补助金. University faculty members from all disciplines are encouraged to apply.  Applications are evaluated based on academic merit, and in accordance with the following funding objectives:

  • 协助新的(和新活跃的)教师在bet365中文大学发展和建立一个活跃的研究项目.
  • 协助积极从事研究的教师发展他们的研究项目,目标是成功地从外部来源申请资金.
  • To assist senior faculty members in mentoring junior faculty.
  • 协助积极支持学生研究和学生奖学金发展的教师.

教师 members may apply for 教师的研究 Grants of up to $5,000 to support research/creative scholarship projects at bet365中文大学. We encourage collaborative applications that include multiple faculty members. If two full-time faculty members submit a joint application, the maximum support is $5000 per faculty member, or $10,000 total for the application. 兼职, 兼职, and emeritus faculty members are welcome as co-PIs on the grant application, but will not affect the allowed funding limit, which is based only on the full-time faculty PIs.

教师研究补助金支持可以支付与教师学术成长活动相关的费用, such as the following:

  • Student labor (undergraduate and graduate). 学生劳动可以用来支持你所指导的学生的研究活动,也可以用于支持功能, such as secretarial work, 文献搜索, 等.
  • Travel for research purposes. 这包括与校外研究合作者一起工作和实地研究, but excludes travel for conference participation.
  • 杂项用品和小型设备,$2500以下(不包括购买电脑).
  • 仅适用于初级教师(第一次终身教职任命未满6年):聘请合同教师来教授您的一门定期课程的津贴(最高2400美元), yielding a one-course teaching release for research. If you choose this option, 理由必须包括解释额外的释放时间将如何用于进一步你的研究计划. 你的补助金将在实际合同金额的基础上额外收取22%的福利费率.



才有资格在第三年及以后的年份获得额外拨款, the following research benchmarks are expected:

  • 第三年:通过在适当的学科会议上的报告展示先前的研究成果.
  • 第四年: 研究 results demonstrated through refereed publications.
  • 第五年: Active preparations for external grant submission.
  • Sixth (and subsequent) years: External grant application submitted, 如果被拒绝, improvements are in process for application resubmission.

对于主要使用FRG资金的教师,可以给予上述资金基准的豁免:(a)指导bet365中文大学的初级教师, or (b) support student research.

接受外部资助(包括大量间接资金)的学院将有资格申请学院研究资助. 然而, 授予这些教员的任何资金将从外部补助间接资金中拨款.


为 a more detailed description of the application process, you may access this 幻灯片, which was used for New 教师 取向 in February 2024.


New faculty members who are hired after the 2月28日 FRG提案提交截止日期不需要等待一整年才有机会获得研究资助. 为 these new faculty (and only these new faculty), 研究与创意奖学金办公室将考虑以下人员提交的教师研究资助提案 September 30 of the first year 的就业. Please contact the Dean of 研究 at research@sqzdhyb.com获取更多信息,并在完成FRG申请过程中获得帮助. View the slides for the most recent faculty orientation 幻灯片.

The 教师的研究 Grant 申请过程

Pre-Review of 教师的研究 Grant Proposals为了提高研究建议的质量,并在构思和规划有效的学术生产力/研究计划方面为教师提供发展和成长, 研究和创意奖学金办公室提供提交前审查过程的机会. The 教师的研究 Review Committee will evaluate applications received by the 1月31日 pre-submission 的最后期限 for clarity and completeness, and make recommendations for improvement prior to the final application 的最后期限.  Although this pre-review process is optional, it is highly encouraged for all faculty members, and especially for those who have not previously submitted a FRG proposal.

评审过程: All 教师的研究 Grant applications and renewals must be submitted by the 2月28日 的最后期限. The 教师的研究 Review Committee will evaluate all applications, and recommend funding allocations, which will be reported to the faculty applicants by 3月31日. 资金将从5月1日开始到4月30日结束.


FRG funds can be carried over to a new year. 财务报表续期表格应用于要求将当前资金结转一年. Unspent balances from internal research grants can be carried over to the next fiscal provided that a Grant Renewal 为m that provides appropriate justification is submitted in a timely manner; otherwise, 在4月30日补助金终止日期之后,所有未使用的补助金余额将恢复到研究和创意奖学金办公室, 并会用作日后颁发学院研究补助金的额外拨款.


可要求更新目前的FRG,新资助的最高金额为$3,000 plus any remaining funding from the current grant, 总共不超过5000美元. This additional funding may be requested for a maximum of two years, after which a full grant application would need to be submitted for further funding. Please use the Renewal 为m for this request.

教师的研究 Grant 申请表格

教师的研究 Grant Application 为m – 新应用程序

教师的研究 Grant Renewal 为m for renewals and request for funding extensions of previous year’s award.

教师的研究 Grant Final Report 为m   to report on the progress and outcomes. 

所有完成的申请都将以电子方式提交给研究和创意奖学金办公室, at research@sqzdhyb.com.


活动 时间轴

Pre-proposal submission (Recommended)


Peer-review response to Pre-proposal        









Abstracts of recent and currently funded 教师的研究 Grants can be found here: 教师的研究 Grants.

知识产权 and 教师的研究 Grants

Under most circumstances (for exceptions, 见工作政策, 2:383节), 参与研究和创造性奖学金的教师保留其创作的知识产权. This includes work that is supported by internal 教师的研究 Grants. 然而, 希望继续获得内部学院研究补助金的教师必须在学院研究补助金申请的“外部资金”部分报告由版税或产品销售产生的收入. 教职员工可以申请资助超出版税或销售收入所能支付的费用. 可以合理地从版税或销售收入中获得资助的研究和创造性奖学金,在初始启动期之后不符合获得学院研究补助金的资格. 

管理资金 & 利用资金

资金可用于从5月1日开始到4月30日结束的财政年度. 为 research involving human subjects, funds may be spent only after gaining IRB批准.

鼓励教师与研究和创意奖学金办公室一起管理他们的教师补助金. 费用报告, 检查请求, 一次性付款, 信用卡对账单, 工资的请求, 或由学院研究补助金或外部补助金支付的合同必须由研究和创意奖学金办公室签署. 为 more information and guidelines for managing faculty grants please consult the Policy and Procedure Handbook for 研究ers.