
Ministerial Association
The Andrews Ministerial Association (AMA) is a student-led organization designed to provide fellowship, nurture and ministry experiences for students of the 宗教 Department. The club sponsors numerous activities throughout the school year such as retreat weekends, vesper services, and outreach activities. Dr. Palmer, the AMA sponsor can be reached at palmerr@sqzdhyb.com. Carlos Tavarez, the club President, can be reached at tavarezc@sqzdhyb.com.

Ministerial Candidacy
So, you want to become a pastoral candidate? To be a candidate for a degree from the 宗教 部门 Andrews University is an honor not to be taken lightly. It means that you have experienced a deep conviction to work for the Lord, 教会, and the world in a position of service. Because the 宗教 Department takes preparation for the ministry seriously, you will be provided with opportunities to discover yourself and connect with your goals through psychological testing and personal interviews. This process ultimately results in a recommendation for your qualifications for ministry. It is our goal to help you find your niche and then do all in our power to help you fill it well. All Theology majors go through a mandatory review process their first year for official acceptance into the program. 

宗教 Forum
Every Tuesday morning all 宗教 Department 教师 and 宗教/Theology Majors meet together in the Newbold Auditorium in Buller Hall at 11:30. 宗教 Forum provides three important and unique experiences: worship and fellowship not only in the department but with the broader university and denominational community; departmental communication and information; and training in various aspects of ministry.

深入 (Internal 部门 Educational, Pastoral Training in Homiletics) is a new initiative which seeks to coordinate preaching opportunities for the students of our department. These opportunities may not only be a blessing to the partner churches but also cooperate towards a more in-depth preparation of these students to Christian service. 点击 在这里 for more information.

Theta Alpha Kappa Honor Society
For those 宗教 students who excel, the National Honor Society for Religious Studies and Theology is an excellent opportunity to grow spiritually and academically. To qualify for membership, students must attain a 3.5 GPA within their major and a 3.总绩点0. Theta Alpha Kappa is closely associated with the American Academy of 宗教, providing numerous networking and fellowship opportunities across the nation.

Department Computer Lab
Located in Buller Hall, the computer lab has been established for the exclusive use of students majoring or minoring in 宗教/Theology. Facilitating academic study, the computers are loaded with all the specialized software you'll need.


Expect to develop a close relationship with your advisor who will assist in your choice of classes and help ensure your success. An advisor will direct you to the appropriate people, advise you on w在这里 and how to look for jobs and volunteer work, and help you with any other issues you come up against during your educational experience.