最近 & 即将到来的项目


Each year, the IPA ment口服补液盐 students and profess口服补液盐 with limited research experience. Past and current mentees work at a variety of universities including Loma Linda University, bet365中文大学, 南方复临大学, 密歇根大学, 爱达荷大学, 田纳西大学, 以及加州大学洛杉矶分校. We use the Adventisit Human Subjects 研究 Association as a primary venue for mentoring the next generation of scholars. We are pleased at the success of our younger faculty in being published in the scientific literature. 

IPA获得了2022-2023年全球教会成员调查. We have completed analyzing the data and have submitted the report for this survey. Questions and analysis focus on a wide variety of beliefs, practices, and health. We continue analysis from the 2017-2018 survey and plan to present at a session of the annual meeting of the Religious 研究 Association/Society for the Scientific Study of Religion. 可以访问已发布的报表 在这里


We work with a wide variety of Ministries of the 基督复临安息日会 Church, 主要是与卫生部合作,但我们也定期与NAD合作 & 家庭事工和教育办公室. 与这些部门合作, we prepare professional/scientific presentations and publications for the scientific and faith community. 

评价 青年生活计划  

的 IPA is working with the Health Ministries of the General Conference to evaluate the Youth Alive program. 最近的一篇文章可以在这里找到, 青少年的创伤与药物滥用    

制定培训计划 复临恢复事工 辅导员和大学预防规划      

的 IPA is working with the Health Ministries Department of the North American Division of the 基督复临安息日会 Church to develop a training program for those who work as facilitat口服补液盐 for the for the  完整之旅(JTW)计划.  We are also working with the NAD on developing a model 药物滥用 prevention program for Adventist Colleges.

的 IPA has conducted 5 of these surveys, occuring about every 5-7 years since 1995. 最近一次调查于2023年3月完成. We now have an integrated file which is used to analyze and examine trends in health risk behavi口服补液盐 as well as changes in risk and protective fact口服补液盐. 演讲 have been made by 教师 and 学生 from the data to the Michigan Academy of Arts, 科学与文学, 美国公共卫生协会, 美国社会协会和全国家庭关系委员会. 学生获得国家级和研究性奖项. 近年来, 我们介绍了密歇根科学院的主题演讲, Arts and Letters from these data entitled: "Trends in Substance Use in a Prohibitionist University Compared to General College Populations" or "Macro Secular Trends Amidst the Unfolding Hegelian Dialectic"

Our major activity now with these data is to integrate data from 1995 through 2023 to examine trends in substance use and risk and protective behavi口服补液盐.我们将考察宗教的作用, 父母的结合, 童年创伤, 个性, 精神健康与药物使用和肥胖的关系. Follow up research was done in the form of qualitative interviews on the motivation for not using substances or engaging in other high-risk behavior. 
国际电影协会于2023年5月举办了一所暑期成瘾学校. 的 presentations can be viewed by registering for  "上瘾 Workshop: Families and 上瘾", 或作为一个独立的研究, 来自社会工作或行为科学系. 

课程主题: 研究 data shows the family is often involved w在这里 behavioral problems are prevented, 启动和终止. 上瘾就是一个例子. Any profession that works with families will need to know how addiction affects families and what can be done to strengthen families to address addiction.

家庭作为风险和保护因素 ——杜安·麦克布莱德
家长和儿童药物使用趋势 ——Yvonne Terry-McElrath
互相依赖 ——大卫·赛德拉塞克
成瘾对婚姻的影响 - Beverly Sedlacek
家庭残疾 ——Shannon trecarn
家庭是康复的风险因素 ——Alina巴尔
家庭晚餐和危险行为 ——杜安·麦克布莱德
Al-Anon ——比尔 & 诺里
电子媒体与孩子 ——加里·霍普金斯 & Alina巴尔
家庭敬拜作为预防 ——Jasmine Fraser
Riverwood精神健康中心 - Panankosi Mbunjwa
圣心康复中心 ——Maria Gamez
的 IPA provides leadership for the Adventist Human-Subject 研究人员 Association. 2023年年会在北京举行 非洲基督复临大学 在肯尼亚内罗毕.  的 2024年AHSRA会议 将于5月22日至25日在 bet365中文大学. 对于帮助你写提案的人:非常感谢Rene Drumm, 谁做了一个最有用的演讲 “制定制胜方案”. 请下载聆听演讲及观看幻灯片.
根据bet365中文大学的数字共享资源, 来自AHSRA小组的研究已经被下载了超过5次,环游世界1000次. 
Coming to terms with one’s sexual identity is a particularly complex process for Christian LGBT+ youth, 他们中的许多人面临着抑郁等负面结果的高风险, 药物滥用和自杀. This survey of 310 基督复临安息日会 adult Millennials explored perceived levels of their families’ acceptance or rejection of their sexual orientation or gender identity during their teen years. 其他变量包括近期的自尊水平, 社会支持, 抑郁症, 药物滥用, 高危性行为, 以及自杀的想法或企图. 初步调查结果显示,家庭的接纳和支持程度普遍较低, 以及抑郁和高危思想和行为的增加. A high proportion of respondents have retained strong spiritual commitment and moderate church involvement.

这个项目是与 西南密歇根联合劝募会.  的 purpose of the project was to better understand the priorities of community members in Southwestern Michigan.  当企业之间的讨论, 非营利组织, 政府, 慈善组织对社区产生影响, a key voice is often left out of the conversation: members directly representing different groups in the community who have active roles in creating effective and lasting community solutions. 为了解决这一差距, the United Way conducted 15 焦点小组 and collected 159 surveys to explore community concerns, 需要, 和优先级.  Curt VanderWaal led a team of 26 Master’s level students in the analysis of these data and then wrote a comprehensive report that has been distributed to community groups for discussion and development of funding and policy priorities.

的 purpose of this brief document is to provide research literature from health studies of 基督复临安息日会 populations. 的 literature comes from the work the IPA team has done over the last few decades, 复临人类主题研究协会的数据存储库, the Adventist Health Studies in the School of Public Health at Loma Linda University, 拉塞拉大学的创世纪项目, members of the Health Ministries Team at the General Conference and Digital Commons at bet365中文大学. 宗教信仰与健康, 健康行为, 心理健康, 基督复临安息日会信徒的心理健康研究   

老龄问题第四区域机构 (AAA)与地区医疗保健系统合作, Corewell Health South, to address the challenges and barriers that exist in the complex care ecosystem for older adults in Berrien, 卡斯商学院, 密歇根州的范布伦县. 的 overall goal of the CoC is to create a person-centered community of care that integrates medical interventions with home-based support and services to serve complex care older adults who are over age 65.  Curt VanderWaal and his evaluation team are coordinating the mixed-method evaluation of this multi-year intervention through a series of surveys, 焦点小组, 以及临床数据分析来检验这个项目的结果.