
你是否在指挥 Job 第一次找工作或找过很多次工作, 这个过程可能是压倒性的. Our hope is to simplify this process so that you can effectively take the steps necessary to conduct a successful job search.

这些信息是为了帮助您入门. If you find yourself still having questions please feel free to contact us at career@andrews.Edu获取额外帮助.



Once you have completed the Career Planning stage and have made a decision about field you wish to pursue, narrowing your search will allow you to market yourself specifically to employers and jobs that are of interest. 没有一个重点或目标可能会阻碍你的求职过程. 有几种方法可以缩小搜索范围. 考虑以下几点:

  1. 你想住在哪里? Decide w在这里 you would like to live and begin researching the job market in that area.  这取决于你的财务状况和经济状况, you need to exercise flexibility and a willingness to relocate in order to broaden your opportunities.
  2. 你想要什么样的工作? Identify a career and position that matches your skills, interests, abilities, and personality. The AU 职业中心 can help you better identify what type of job you want through coaching sessions.
  3. 你对哪些组织/公司感兴趣? Use an Internet online database to locate current employer web sites and contact information and possible openings with your employer of choice.




  1. 研究 geographic areas w在这里 that particular industry/organization is most prominent.
  2. 研究职业领域和雇主:
  • 网站
  • 与所选领域或行业相关的书籍
  • 雇员——亲自或通过电话采访该领域或行业的人.
  • 关于组织的新闻通讯和文章

找工作时,研究是关键. Many employers/companies/ organizations do not post their job openings on databases, 而是, 在他们的网站. You can also identify needs within the companies through current news stories or other published articles like industry magazines or journals. 总的来说,研究可以让你更好地控制你的求职.



This is the moment of truth 和re are several ways in which to contact and connect with prospective employers and to find job openings.

  • 网上求职板: A list of online resources 和 most popular  job board/websites can be found in the 在线职业资源 本网站的部分. 像 劳工统计局 O 'net在线 not only allow you to get comprehensive information about the particular field of position you're interested in, 同时也发布最新的工作机会, 平均工资, 就业市场预测.
  • 握手: 握手 is the number one way for college students to find jobs and internships. 握手帮助学生发现并找到工作和实习机会, 从想要雇佣你的雇主那里直接获取信息, 与雇主联系,更多地了解他们的公司, and get expert help from career-building resources and employer recommended by the 职业中心. T在这里 are over 750 thousand employers actively searching for students on 握手! 获取有关如何访问免费握手帐户的信息 在这里.
  • bet365中文网络 is an online networking, mentoring and jobs board platform exclusive to the Andrews community. The bet365中文网络 provides a place w在这里 alumni can connect with each other and with current students. You control how involved you want to be—you can simply join and connect with a few classmates, or you can grow into an engaged mentor who offers advice and assistance to current students. 因为它受到全球公认的隐私和安全框架的保护, 你可以放心,bet365中文网络是一个安全的平台. Continue scrolling below to read more about the features of the bet365中文网络. All students are encouraged to register and actively become a user on the bet365中文网络. 注册 在这里.
  • bet365中文议程: 分类部分 of the bet365中文大学 Agenda provides job and internship postings open to AU students and is regularly updated. 
  • 人才招聘会往往会 are excellent ways of connecting with employers and organizations with vacancies. Keep abreast of job fairs being held on campus through the 职业中心's website.
  • 面对面的这是联系雇主最有效的方式之一.  One method of face-to-face contact with an employer is through informational interviewing, which provides an efficient way to connect face to face with an employer without a job opening or interview in place. 安排与雇主的信息面谈, determine who is the best point of contact within the organization of interest, 收集他们的联系方式, craft a well-written email or letter introducing yourself and requesting the opportunity to meet with the employer to ask questions pertaining to the field 和 company. 如果获得信息面试的机会, 一定要准备好相关的问题来引导你们的对话. 另外,一定要带一份简历和雇主一起离开. 人际关系网是另一种有效的面对面交流方法. 参加学校提供的交流机会. You may also want to join professional associations and participate in their networking activities.
  • 电话: This is one of the most cost-effective ways to set up informational interviews, 跟进工作线索和申请. Be sure to practice proper phone etiquette when engaging with employers via phone.



  • 找工作是一项全职工作. 在开始找工作之前, ensure that you have all the needed documents to begin submitting applications to positions of interest. 下载 工作包 仔细检查它的内容,以帮助你起草或更新你的文件. You may also schedule appointments with Career Coaches at the 职业中心 for assistance in drafting, 更新和审查你的文件. 
  • 提交申请时, be sure to carefully review the job descriptions for each position for which you apply. 你要确保你的简历是量身定做的, cover letter and other key application documents to reflect the key requirements noted in the job descriptions. 在适用的地方镜像关键字. 在网上申请的情况下, many companies employ software that automatically scans application documents for key words. Ensuring that you've incorporated the relevant key words on your application documents may be helpful in getting your application in front of a hiring manager. 
  • 组织. 跟踪你的申请. Create a database or spreadsheet noting important things such as each position applied for, 标题, 申请日期, 截止申请日期. Noting the closing date will provide a timeframe for following up on your application. Add additional information such as application status (interviewed, offer provided etc.)
  • 要有耐心. 找工作的过程可能会令人厌倦, 但坚持不懈的努力将带来积极的结果. 

For additional information on steps to take after you've been offered an interview and after you've received a job offer, 参观 面试准备 节和 工资谈判 本网站的部分.