

4185 E. 校园环岛博士.
(269) 471-3632


Unlock the doors to unparalleled opportunities and conquer the world of business with our transformative 管理学学士 program! 点燃你的野心, 发挥你的领导才能, 将自己推向企业卓越的巅峰.

The 管理学学士 is not just an education; it is a catalyst for your professional growth. With a curriculum meticulously crafted to sharpen your analytical acumen, 战略思考, 以及决策能力, this program is the launching pad to your triumphant journey in the dynamic landscape of modern business.

在当今竞争激烈的环境中, 雇主寻找能够适应环境的人, 创新, 推动变革. 拥有管理学工商管理学士学位, you'll be uniquely equipped to tackle industry disruptions head-on, positioning yourself as an invaluable asset to any organization.

Embrace the journey to greatness with our 管理学学士 and watch your dreams take flight. Step boldly into a future filled with limitless possibilities, where success is not merely a destination but an exhilarating adventure. 敢于与众不同!


Ready to take charge of your future and unlock boundless opportunities? 工商管理学院已经为你准备好了! 无论你是一个崭露头角的企业家, 营销专家, 或者是金融狂热者, our cutting-edge programs will equip you with the skills to succeed in today's dynamic world.

想了解更多? Get the inside scoop on our exciting courses, esteemed faculty, and incredible resources. Don't miss this chance to pave the way to a rewarding career. 点击下面,让成功之旅开始吧! “想要更多信息”——因为你的未来从现在开始!



(269) 471-3632


开始一段丰富的实习之旅 基督复临论者健康! 发现无与伦比的成长机会, 学习, 并对医疗保健行业产生重大影响. Join our team of passionate professionals dedicated to patient care and community well-being. Don't miss this chance to gain valuable experience and shape your future. 应用 now for an internship with 基督复临论者健康 and take the first step towards a fulfilling career in healthcare.

点燃你在领导和管理领域的未来! 在管理工商管理硕士课程中发现无限的可能性. Find out more on what you can do right out of school with a Management from Zippia.com校友页面, 或在 studysba.

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest updates on curriculum, degrees, and program changes. 不要错过这个塑造你未来的机会. 点击这里 去发现前方的路!

Unleash your potential in the dynamic world of accounting with a BBA degree. Gain invaluable knowledge, sharpen your analytical skills, and open doors to endless opportunities. 现在招收 飞向新的高度!

Be sure to keep an eagle eye on the 工商管理学院 calendar, 以免你错过了等待你的不可思议的事件!  Here you will find job fair schedules, industry talks, and SBA fun activities.


Prepare to be amazed by the wealth of information and cutting-edge updates waiting for you at studysba.com! This incredible website is your one-stop destination for all the latest news, 的见解, and developments in the world of the 工商管理学院 and the world of business and technology. Whether you're a student, faculty member, or simply an avid follower of business education, studysba.com is here to provide you with a mind-blowing array of resources.


拥有管理学工商管理学士学位, you'll possess a versatile and sought-after skill set that opens the door to a wide range of exciting career opportunities across various industries. This degree equips you with foundational knowledge and practical expertise in business and management, making you an ideal candidate for diverse roles and responsibilities. Here are some of the compelling career paths you can pursue with a 管理学学士:

业务经理: 作为一名业务经理, you will oversee the day-to-day operations of a company or a specific department. 你的职责可能包括战略规划, 预算, 资源分配, 团队管理.

营销经理: 在这个角色中, you'll develop and implement marketing strategies to promote products or services, 进行市场调查, 分析消费趋势, 管理广告和促销活动.

人力资源经理: 人力资源经理负责获取人才, 员工培训与发展, 绩效管理, 员工关系, 并确保遵守劳动法律法规.

金融分析师: 作为一名金融分析师, 您将评估组织的财务健康状况, 分析财务数据, 准备报告, and provide 的见解 to support decision-making and investment strategies.

销售经理: 销售经理领导和激励销售团队, 制定销售目标, 制定销售策略, 并努力实现收入和利润目标.

业务经理: 运营经理专注于简化流程, 提高效率, 优化公司内部的生产力. They may also be responsible for supply chain management and logistics.

企业家: 拥有管理学工商管理学士学位, 你可以冒险创业, 开创自己的事业或成为创业公司的一员. 你需要管理公司的各个方面, 从财务和市场营销到运营和人力资源.

管理顾问: 作为一名管理顾问, you'll provide expert advice to organizations seeking to improve their performance and solve complex business challenges.

项目经理: 项目经理计划, 执行, 监督项目,确保它们按时完成, 在预算之内, 并达到项目的目标.

零售经理: Retail managers oversee the daily operations of retail stores, 管理库存, 监督员工, 并确保优质的客户服务.

供应链经理: Supply chain managers handle the end-to-end process of sourcing, 采购, 生产, 提供商品和服务, 确保顺利高效的运营.

业务分析人员: 业务分析师分析数据, 确定趋势, and provide valuable 的见解 to help organizations make informed business decisions.

These are just a few examples of the countless career paths that await 管理学学士 graduates. 在商业原则方面有坚实的基础, 批判性思维, 解决问题, 和领导能力, you'll be equipped to thrive in today's dynamic and competitive business world. Your potential for growth and advancement in your chosen field is boundless, making a 管理学学士 a powerful investment in your future success.

准备好访问您的个性化4年学习计划? Unlock your path to academic success by down加载 your study plans today! Don't miss out on this valuable resource to help you stay organized and achieve your goals. Click below to get started and embark on your journey towards a bright future!

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The 商学院 at bet365中文大学 has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International 认证 Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at International 认证 Council for Business Education 11960 Quivira Road, 300套房, Overland Park, KS 66213