

A bachelor’s degree in communication is very useful for preparing you for a wide range of career options, 包括当政治助理, 公关经理, 脱口秀主持人, 销售代表, 平面设计师, 摄影记者, 市场研究, 摄影师, 企业传播经理, 文字编辑, 生产商, 杂志编辑, 播客, 社交媒体经理, 和营销/广告经理. 


我们提供符合您特定兴趣和目标的教育. 将你的传播学学士/学士学位与辅修课程或数字媒体等重点课程结合起来, 公共关系或传播学. 我们的本科学位也是进入研究生院的完美跳板. 






The BS in Digital 沟通 (数字媒体) is for individuals who are seeking to create content for the exciting world of media. This engaging course of study allows the student to study the principles of media and content production under the guidance of experience faculty in the areas of Film, 电视, 摄影, 平面设计, 社交媒体, 新闻和播客. A degree in Digital 沟通 prepares the student to join any communication or media entity with a diverse set of creative skills, 在今天的劳动力中非常受欢迎. 学生 also end up working on real productions they can use to showcase their talents upon graduation. 学生 are also encouraged to obtain internships that greatly increase the potential of immediate employment upon graduation.

The 基督复临安息日会 Church provides opportunities for qualified digital media professionals to serve in many of their production entities worldwide; in educational environments; and supporting non-profits 独立的部门. Individuals can use their skills to create content and help spread the gospel ministry worldwide.

数字媒体的职业可以在电视广播中找到, 视频制作, 社交媒体, 播客和互联网广播. Technology now allows many persons to create content without the use of multimillion dollar equipment and a studio. 拥有数字媒体学位的人不仅可以从事制作和导演工作, 还有很多其他的职位空缺, 包括视频编辑器, 播客, 社交媒体经理, 作家和内容创造者.






Media Writing is recommended for those who wish to develop content for the fast-paced world of journalism and publication. 这种多样化的学习课程使学生能够学习新闻写作, 网上及印刷刊物, 还有社交媒体. A degree in Media Writing prepares the student to join an organization as an entry-level writer with potential for advancement into editorial positions.


The 基督复临安息日会 Church works with qualified writing professionals to serve in education, 部长级政府, 独立的部门. 无论你是女人还是男人,机会都是有的,但要有竞争性. 也, the nonprofit sector has jobs for the professional who wishes to blend writing expertise with humanitarian service.


作家和作者为各种类型的媒体开发书面内容, including advertisements; books; magazines; movie, 玩, and television scripts; and blogs. 作家和作家就业预计增长8%.


来源: 劳工统计局




A 公共关系 major is recommended for those who wish to manage communication functions for organizations or individuals. 这个多样化的学位要求学生学习写作, 媒体关系, 社交媒体, 解决问题, 设计, 以及视觉艺术. 公共关系学位为学生作为入门级人员加入组织做好了准备, 熟练的从业人员,有晋升到管理层的潜力.


The 基督复临安息日会 Church is quickly embracing qualified 公共关系 professionals to serve in education, 部长级政府, 独立的部门. 无论你是女人还是男人,机会都是有的. 也, the nonprofit sector has many jobs for the professional who wishes to blend 公共关系 practice with humanitarian service.


从2016年到2026年,公共关系专家的就业预计将增长9%. The need for organizations to maintain their public image will continue to drive employment growth. Candidates can expect strong competition for jobs at advertising and 公共关系 firms and organizations with large media exposure.



The Master of Arts is 设计ed for students who wish to develop advanced-level skills and an expanded knowledge base in communication. 另外, it also gives students the option of selecting a specific concentration area in which to focus their studies and connect an area of interest to the broader field of communication.

We strive to provide the best graduate education possible for 基督复临安息日会 and Christian communicators. Our expanded department includes more course options which will improve and strengthen your customized degree program.


  1. 学士学位:获得认可的美国机构颁发的四年制学位, 或美国以外机构的同等学历.S.
  2. 本科GPA:最低GPA为2.75
  3. Recommendations from the church board where the applicant is a member; college teacher/advisor, 教堂管理员, 牧师或最近的雇主.
  4. 本科课程:传播学或相关领域12个学期学分
  5. 其他:
    • 符合研究生院的入学要求
    • 提交一份目前工作经历的简历
    • Submit a Statement of Purpose which explains how the relevant disciplines will be integrated to meet his/her career and academic goals
    • 在课程开始时完成任何不足之处


学生 whose language of education is not English must submit one of the following tests and minimum scores:

托福(ITP)纸本综合成绩为600分,无单项低于55分. 额外的书面论文考试是必需的,最低分数为80分, 另外还有一次口语评估,分数不低于3分.

托福网考-综合成绩100分, 阅读和听力部分至少15分, 写作部分得分不低于17分, 口语部分得分不低于18分.


雅思-[学术]综合成绩7分, 在阅读, 听力和口语部分成绩至少为6分, 写作部分得分不低于5分.


考试必须在入学前两年内参加. 学生 who score below these levels may complete language requirements by enrolling in Intensive English Program courses (ENSL) on campus. 学生 with a score on the TOEFL ITP of 575-599 (or the equivalent on any of the four other exams) may be eligible for the Language Bridge Program which allows students to take a limited number of degree program courses while completing language proficiency requirements with Intensive English Program courses.

这些要求的例外可能由视觉艺术,传播部门授予 & 以个人为基础进行设计.

Desrene Vernon-Brebnor博士
部门电子邮件: commdept@sqzdhyb.com
直接电子邮件: desrene@sqzdhyb.com


双学位- MDiv & MA

bet365中文大学 has chosen to establish a collaborative program between the Master of Divinity from the 基督复临安息日会 Theological Seminary and the 部门 视觉艺术、传播 & 艺术学院设计专业 & 科学. 学生 can potentially complete the two degrees in less than 3½ years; 2 years in the Theological Seminary and 1 to 1½ years in the 部门 视觉艺术、传播 & 设计.

This degree will prepare MDiv students for service in occupations where communication—and in particular, 与媒体相关的传播与教会的牧灵使命相交. Pastors today are challenged to minister and serve in ever-widening fields to increasingly diverse audience groups, and being able to do so effectively through a variety of mediums is becoming more important than ever before. 同样的, there are benefits to understanding the how and why of communication and what it takes to be an effective communicator on all levels outside of the pulpit. 此外, 这种合作可以扩大包括电视和广播在内的就业机会, 公共关系, 企业沟通等等.
