


标题: 社会工作助理教授,双学位项目主任
密歇根教育部社会工作重点学院联络, 和家庭技能 & 家庭技能维修主管

办公地点: NH 019
电子邮件: hamiltol@sqzdhyb.com
电话: (269) 471-6647




劳埃德·汉密尔顿, MDiv, MSW目前担任bet365中文大学双学位项目主任和助理教授, 他过去曾在那里担任兼职教授,并于2020年1月接受了全职教师职位.

在来bet365中文大学之前, 汉密尔顿曾担任刘易斯卡斯中学学区家庭和儿童服务部主任. 在这个角色中,汉密尔顿通过写作发挥了领导作用, implementing and executing multiple State Contracts; Formula Grants and one Federal Grant from 2002 until 2019.

Hamilton’s responsibilities for those programs included: Planning developing and forecasting budgets; 研究ing and grant writing for program funding; Hiring, coaching and empowering staff; Collaborating with four Local 教育al Agencies (LEA’s) to increase school safety; Working within schools with teachers, principals and parents to achieve improved student outcomes; Planning and implementing fundraising activities to support client families; Networking with Tri-County area Agencies; Building cohesive teams and maintaining positive staff morale and staff retention; Maintaining regular and consistent contacts (at a minimum of once per month) with all four local area County Department of Health & Human Services (DHHS) referring agencies’ Directors/Program Managers/Supervisors and staff to build and maintain a collaborative approach to the delivery of services for families; Reviewing and managing the collection of program data; Ensuring that program workers provide a wide range of goal-directed services to client families; Supervising five program supervisors and up to thirty-eight staff; Completing and submitting monthly reports and billing for the state and quarterly reports for the Federal Government; Conducting annual staff performance evaluation; Attending quarterly state cluster meetings; Supervise MSW intern students.

另外, 从1995年到2002年,汉密尔顿在本顿港和密歇根州三河的斯塔尔联邦办事处担任家庭第一(FF)主管. 在这个角色中, Hamilton had responsibilities that included: Serving as an FF social worker for three years; Providing in-home services teaching and modeling age appropriate parenting skills; Providing clinical services as well as resource coordination for client families; Teaching and imparting skills necessary for parents to keep their children in a safe environment; Developing safety plans; Writing client assessments; Connecting families to their local School district; managing the office operations; supervising five staff; Collecting data and reporting to the state which led to increase state funding.
此外, 汉密尔顿于2010年和2011年担任bet365中文大学社会工作学院兼职教授,讲授社会福利机构与服务和社会福利政策课程.
此外, 汉密尔顿在万国SDA担任青年牧师, where duties included implementing and overseeing programs for the youths of the church; Preaching and leading worship services; Coordinating family ministry events; Serving on the board of Andrews Academy; Intentional about including youths in the Sabbath services; mentoring and modeling for parents on age appropriate parenting skills.
最后, 汉密尔顿是全国社会工作者协会密歇根州社会工作者协会的成员. 他已被选入Phi Alpha荣誉协会. He also served as the Chair for the Cass County Human Services Coordinating Council; and after completing his MSW program, 他获得了毕业班学生奖.


汉密尔顿的大部分研究和专业活动都发生在他来到bet365中文大学之前. 其中一些活动包括:撰写和获得许多州的资助,共计1亿美元.600万美元. 他曾在华盛顿特区做过一次演讲,讲述了在不参与撰写拨款申请或管理拨款的情况下,担任项目经理的角色和拨款实施过程中的职责是怎样的.
与汉密尔顿博士合作. Curt VanderWaal为“家庭技能和家庭技能维护”项目撰写并获得了总计近50美元的资助,000.每年00英镑,为期三年.
2019年12月, 汉密尔顿在密歇根州三河市卫生与公众服务部举行的机构主任/董事会会议上发表了讲话.