
   校园新闻 |发布于2022年3月14日

bet365中文大学 has recently instituted a senior research professor status for retired faculty. The position allows retired faculty members to remain professionally active with continued affiliation to the University while stepping down from full-time teaching. University policy states that the status was designed “to provide a mechanism for affiliate and adjunct faculty members to conduct research and interact with other individuals who have interest in their areas of expertise.”

bet365中文大学校长, 安德里亚Luxton, 博士学位, 解释了, “senior research status allows individuals who have otherwise retired to continue having an important presence at the University. 它承认了他们多年来研究的重要性, 并为他们提供了一个正式的框架,在这个框架内,他们可以继续这样做. 这实际上向校园示范了研究的重要性.”

Øystein年代. LaBianca, 博士学位, became an advocate for the creation of the position in 2018 when he began to contemplate retiring from his position as professor of anthropology and archaeology. 他指出:“退休关乎三件事:目的、方向和意义. 对我来说, 这意味着我能够继续在我的职业中保持活跃, but with the luxury of being able to work in a more focused manner on my research.”

高级研究教授职位在其他学术机构使用, and LaBianca saw it as a way for him and other professors at bet365中文大学 to continue their research efforts following retirement. LaBianca was the first to be awarded this status with a vote by the University Board of Trustees on March 3, 2020.

Andrews expects those with this status “to remain active in research activities, 包括会议演讲和同行评审的出版物, 隶属于大学.” University policy also states that professors “are allowed to apply for and receive external funding for research through the University and may mentor 本科 研究 Scholars and 研究生 Grant in Aid of 研究 students. Appointees have access to the University library and other specified research facilities and support services.”

LaBianca has utilized his time as senior research professor at his lab in the Siegfried H. 角博物馆, continuing part-time mentoring and teaching as well as organizing direct archaeological projects in Jordan. 除了, he has collaborated with colleagues on grant proposals and contributed written articles to various Festschrifts. 他指出, “My long-term goal is to be able to complete production of the 14-volume Hisban Final Publication series reporting on five decades of research at biblical Heshbon. 这个系列已经出版了十卷, 剩下的四项我正在稳步取得进展. 如果没有这个新职位,这是很难做到的.”

杜安·迈克布莱德, 博士学位, 高级研究教授,退休社会学教授, 在这个新军衔上也很活跃吗. McBride has found that the position allows him to contribute to the advancement of Andrews as a faculty member while continuing his career in a less time consuming and stressful way. 除了他的研究, he also engages in part-time teaching and research mentorship for the University. He states, “My main project is a 2022/2023 Global Survey of the 基督复临安息日会 Church Members. 在这个项目中,我和卡尔·贝利一起工作, 香农Trecartin, Alina巴尔, 彼得·辛卡拉和雷内·德拉姆. We also recently obtained funding to continue to analyze data from our 2017/2018 global church member survey.” 

麦克布莱德肯定地说:“奖学金是大学的定义. bet365中文大学 is the only national comprehensive university in the Adventist system in the U.S. I feel very privileged that I can advance scholarly discourse in my profession and contribute to the advancement of the reputation of our university!”

除了拉比安卡和麦克布莱德, 托马斯牧羊人, 博士学位, 也收到这个状态了吗, 格雷格·康斯坦丁, 驻校艺术家,艺术研究教授, 名誉, 目前是否在申请这个职位.

带领, 研究是授权讨论的途径, open new vistas of understanding and build enthusiasm for subjects of discussion. 他表达了, “研究 is important to me because it expands our knowledge base of Scripture and its rich blessings in our life.”

In 2021, Shepherd gave three presentations and submitted a combination of seven articles and book chapters for publication, with topics ranging from a description of narrative analysis to translation and collaborative studies on specific verses of scripture. 他说, “My senior research status affirms me in focusing attention on important areas of research and provides a university affiliation for my ongoing research in the Gospel of Mark and textual criticism.” His plans for the future include a major book on narrative analysis and the publication of papers through the Society of Biblical Literature, 他在那里担任Mark Passion叙事研讨会的联合主席. 

Luxton emphasizes the importance of fostering a positive research environment at Andrews, 声明, “Those with senior research status provide increased research stature to the University as their continued research is seen as part of the portfolio of research completed by faculty. It also provides an environment rich in research skills that encourages young and emerging scholars amongst the other faculty and/or students.”
