
   COVID-19更新 |发布于2021年12月16日

给学生的信,十二月. 2021年10月:春季学期更新


This note is to make sure you are informed of COVID-19 expectations and protocols for the start of the spring semester.

但首先, we want to thank you for your ongoing and shared commitment to help keep our campus community as safe as possible in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, 包括德尔塔和欧米克隆变种带来的威胁.

当你为下学期返校做准备时, 春季学期将于周一开课, 1月. 10, we want to also remind you of the key steps you must continue to take as we again recommit to the safety of our community when we gather together in the new year:

  • 计划限制你的暴露, including being careful to use masking and distancing in group gatherings, in the final three to five days before your return to campus or when the semester begins.
  • If you’ve not reported being vaccinated or having 后天免疫, please complete the 2022年春季放映表 报告接种疫苗, 后天免疫, or negative COVID-19 test results (test must be taken 3–5 days prior to arrival on campus). This must be completed and submitted prior to attending your first class.
  • Please note that the Screening Form only allows access through an bet365中文大学 email account. 在大多数情况下, if you see a permission notice from Google it is due to your web browser (such as Google Chrome) being logged in via your personal Gmail account versus your University account (which uses your Andrews email address). 如果你收到这个通知, 您应该可以切换帐户并登录, 然后填写并提交表格.
  • If you are registered for spring 2022 courses and have already reported being vaccinated or having 后天免疫, the COVID-19 Team will confirm your status with you via your University email address.
  • Monthly testing at a student’s expense for those who are not vaccinated will be an ongoing expectation during spring semester. 你可以在密歇根州西南部找到当地的COVID-19检测方案 在这里.

Please reach out to our COVID-19 Team if you have any questions related to the 2022年春季放映表 或者报告症状/暴露. 可通过以下方式与COVID-19小组取得联系 covid19@bet365中文.edu.

再次感谢你们对我们的共同承诺 社区照顾契约在这学期,在新的一年和即将到来的学期里,我都将为你感到高兴.

愿上帝的爱和祝福围绕着你, 在即将到来的节日里,祝福你的家人、朋友和这个世界.



致员工信,12月. 2021年:春季学期更新


This note is to make sure you are informed and up-to-date on COVID-19 expectations and protocols for the start of the spring semester.

但首先, thank you for your ongoing and shared commitment to help keep our campus community as safe as possible in the face of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, 包括德尔塔和欧米克隆变种带来的威胁.

We hope you will have a safe and festive holiday with your family and loved ones. As you enjoy the holiday season, we want you to be mindful of the following:

  • 请减少接触. 也, 请记住每个人, 无论疫苗接种状况如何, 在bet365中文是否需要戴口罩.
  • 酌情在群体聚会中保持身体距离.
  • 对于已完全完成COVID-19初级疫苗接种的人, 你有资格接种加强疫苗, 我们鼓励你们这样做.
  • Monthly testing at an employee’s personal expense for those who are not vaccinated will be an ongoing expectation during spring semester. 你可以在密歇根州西南部找到当地的COVID-19检测方案 在这里.
  • Please note that work-related travel further than 50 miles from our main campus will remain restricted for all those who are not vaccinated.
  • We are slowly lifting the restrictions on international travel for study tours and other University business with the understanding that only vaccinated employees may travel and follow the expectations of the host country, 疾病预防控制中心和bet365中文大学. We will continue to monitor the emergence of the new Omicron variant and will issue a full statement on international travel in 1月uary. 
  • 随着欧米克隆变体的出现和传播, 以及德尔塔变种的持续存在和重大影响, 我们将继续监测并应对旅行限制. As a result, some previously approved study tours or University travel plans may be reevaluated.

As you may have read, the Occupational 安全 and Health Administration’s (OSHA) 紧急临时标准 (ETS)正面临法律挑战. While OSHA is “remaining confident in its authority to protect workers in emergencies, OSHA has suspended activities related to the implementation and enforcement of the ETS pending future development in the litigation.”

如果实现的话, 本OSHA ETS, with its expectations for vaccinations or frequent testing for those not vaccinated, would impact bet365中文大学 and its employees (as will be the case for all U.S. 雇用100人或以上的机构). bet365中文大学 will continue to monitor this legal challenge and will update you on how it impacts you and the University once the final outcome is known. 如果你是在我们学校工作的合同工.g. 通过Dynamic Campus, Bon appsamit和Barnes & Noble, please confirm your employer’s expectations on the OSHA ETS directly with them.

再次感谢你们对我们的共同承诺 社区照顾契约在这学期,在新的一年和即将到来的学期里,我都将为你感到高兴.

愿上帝的爱和祝福围绕着你, 在即将到来的节日里,祝福你的家人、朋友和这个世界.



致员工信,12月. 2021年15日:室内遮蔽要求延长


We wanted to share an additional update on our COVID-19 protocols as we prepare for our winter break and the new semester next month.

One of those updates relates to our requirement for indoor masking on campus, 无论疫苗接种状况如何. 这一要求将持续到1月6日(周日). 9.

请注意: We also wanted to confirm some additional details about the proposed Occupational 安全 & 卫生行政应急暂行标准, 哪一项要求对未接种疫苗的员工进行每周检测. 如果这 紧急临时标准 明年初生效(目前正在法律审查中), bet365中文大学 will cover the costs connected with that weekly COVID-19 testing for those who are not fully vaccinated.

但是,如果紧急临时标准  明年生效, for those who are not vaccinated or who do not have previously 后天免疫 the current expectation of a monthly COVID-19 test at an employee’s personal expense will remain. You can find more information on COVID-19 testing locally, including free options, 在这里.

我们计划在1月11日星期四举行一个虚拟的员工市政厅. 6、下午3:30.m.,审查春季学期COVID-19的最新情况和协议. We’ll share additional details on that Town Hall, including Zoom links, on Monday, 1月. 3. 提前感谢你们参加市政厅的活动.

Continued wishes for God’s blessings as you prepare for the Christmas holidays and the New Year to come.



