July 24 Update from U.S. 政府

   Campus 公告 | Posted on July 27, 2020

Greetings, Andrews University International 学生!

Shortly after I emailed the Student Updates/Directions for Fall letter on Friday, July 24, the U.S. government broadcast a clarification message with 新 details for international students about fall.

The information in my July 24 letter to you remains accurate, except for one 新 detail regarding 返回 international students.

In the July 24 letter, I mentioned in several places that international students studying on the Berrien Springs campus in fall 2020 would need to take at least one in-person class. This remains true for international students (i.e., international students who have received an initial I-20 after March 9, 2020).

However, the government’s broadcast message clarified that 返回 students (i.e., students who had an active I-20 on March 9, 2020)可以, if they so choose, take a full load of entirely online classes in fall 2020 from anywhere in the world, including the Berrien Springs campus, and still maintain their I-20s in good status. 换句话说, 返回 international students are not required to take one in-person class in fall 2020 even if they are studying on the Berrien Springs campus.

当然, 返回 students on the Berrien Springs campus can choose to take a hybrid blend of classes, as both in-person and online classes will be available. As long as a full load of classes is taken—all in person, 所有在线, or a blend of the two—返回 students can maintain their I-20s in good status.

And once again, 新 international students on the Berrien Springs campus are required by the U.S. government guidelines to take at least one in-person class in fall 2020. New international students who decide not to come to the Berrien Springs campus can also take Andrews classes remotely, but these students should notify the International Student Services office with an email to iss@sqzdhyb.com immediately to make sure the initial I-20 is postponed.

Thank you for your patience and kind understanding during this confusing, rapidly changing time. As always, feel free to email the International Student Services office at iss@sqzdhyb.com if you have any questions.


Executive Director
Center for On-campus International Student Services
College of Education and International Services
